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PMB Binders Sample Testing as per AASHTO M 332, KSA


Regarding the PMB binder samples the required testing is as following:

  1. The PMB PG 70 – 10 with 3.5% SBS, we need the PAV (Presser Aging Vessel) following testing:
    DSR G*x sin δ (dynamic sheer rheometer) @ 34 C°.
    BBR S (creep stiffness) & m-value (bending beam rheometer) @ 0 C° actual testing temperature.  
  2. The PMB PG 76 – 10 with 5.5% SBS, we need the PAV (Presser Aging Vessel) following testing:
    DSR G*x sin δ (dynamic sheer rheometer) @ 37 C°.
    BBR S (creep stiffness) & m-value (bending beam rheometer) @ 0 C° actual testing temperature.

Acceptance criteria according to AASHTO M 332 and attached picture.   

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].