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Hydraulic Oil Testing in Peru, USA


I would appreciate it if you could send us a quote for the following:

Samples: 2 samples of ISO 68 hydraulic oil

Tests: Accredited by ISO 17025

Air Release          ASTM D3427 @ 50°C

Filterability (Filterability Factor) Stage 1 ISO 13357 (Dry)

Filterability (Filterability Factor) Stage 2 ISO 13357 (Dry)

Filterability (Filterability Factor) Stage 1 ISO 13357 (Wet)

Filterability (Filterability Factor) Stage 2 ISO 13357 (Dry)

Rust Prevention ASTM D665B – 4hrs

Could you please indicate the response time as well?

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].