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Glycerin Cargo Survey in Rotterdam


My company is looking for the company, providing survey service. We need to check the glycerin product, arriving to Rotterdam port in 1 week.  

What do you need to do and check:

– record the numbers and integrity of the seals in the container, reflect in the report

– record the numbers of the inspected containers

– record the opening of the seals of the inspected containers

– select 3 samples

– put the seal on them

– examination: describe the smell in your own words (we will give instructions on guidelines in terms of smells, what the product should not smell like)

– transfer one of samples to a company in Europe that we indicate

– to keep two of them at your facility. If we need to check for color, then we will provide an application, you are checking one of two samples that you have kept.

We need to get from you:

  • The price of taking samples
  • The price of smell conclusion
  • The color identification under the methodology pointed in СОА (if necessary)
  • How long are you able to keep our samples?
  • What time // days before physical inspection do we have to provide instructions for providing it in time?

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].