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  • November
  • 24

Transformer Oil Analysis in Oman


I want to enquire your services for transformer oil tesing. We have 33kV 6.3MVA transformers at site and we want to carryout the test mentioned below:

1. Breakdown Voltage Test

2. Dissolve Gas analysis Test

3. Water Content in Oil

I want to let you know that we have around 89 Transformers at our site and we want to perform their oil tests in different batches. Like in the first batch we would like to do testing for 10 Transformers. 

So I want the best quotation, that attract us in terms of price, from your side. 

Case 1: Quotation when we deliver Oil sample to your lab

Case 2: Quotation when your team come to site and take the sample and do the testing at lab.

case 3: Quotation when your team come to site and take the sample and do the testing at site

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this testing.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].