Base Oil Testing in India


We would like to request your services to conduct a wax content test on our base oil, following the UOP 46 method.

We prefer that the testing be conducted by a NABL-certified laboratory to ensure the highest standards of accuracy and reliability.

Kindly provide us with a quote for this service.

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].

Mushrooms Analysis in UAE


Could you please provide price quotes for heavy metal testing for fresh food samples (specific mushroom)?

As well if you do use different testing method – please provide list of them or advise which method are you using. 

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].

Water Clarification Assessment in Iraq


Could you please advise if you are able to perform the Water Clarification Assessment as per below requirements?Kindly confirm your ability to perform it by today and advise if you require any further information in order to submit your quotation accordingly.


Evaluation of the impact of the back-produced ASP fluids on the PWT process, more precisely on the water clarification process. Evaluation of different flocculent/coagulant chemistries.


Results of the jar tests (max.12 max for the screening step and max. 6 for final tests with water quality analysis) and recommendations on the best performing water clarifiers according to the experimental conditions.


1. A screening step on one ASP case at a fixed oil content: a maximum of 4 chemicals at 3 different concentrations can be tested. The evaluation will be carried out by observing the precipitation of the polymer and the quality of the water. At the end of this stage, one or two best chemicals will be selected.

2. Based on the screening results, 3 different ASP cases will be evaluated with the best selected candidates. The residual oil content after Jar test will be measured by liquid/liquid extraction with dichloromethane and UV measurement, and the sludge volume will be estimated.


  • Water clarifiers screening through Jar tests (adapted ASTM D2035)
    • Introduction of clarifier into 400 ml of produced water at 300 rpm,
    • 300 rpm for 1 minute,
    • 70 rpm for 15 minutes,
    • 20 minutes of static conditions.
    • Temperature: room temperature
    • Efficiency is assessed with visual inspection, turbidity on a sampling and oil content by solvent extraction and UV analysis
  • Sludge volume estimation by filtration

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].

Turbine Oil Testing ISO VG46 in Dhahran, KSA


We have an ongoing job of Lube oil filtration at Gas plant-Saudi Aramco and need Particle count analysis for the Lube oil sample after flushing. The contract is for 3 years and number of samples will vary from 3 to 4 for each cycle of lubrication/ flushing.

Oil: Turbine Oil ISO VG 46

Minimum test requirements:

  1. Particle count test
  2. Moisture count.
  3. NAS value
  4. Other parameters as applicable.

Kindly submit the proposal at the earliest.

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].

Water Testing Contract in Islamabad, Pakistan


We intends to procure the following specified Water Testing Services. You are requested to submit the Quotation NLT by November 29, 2024, or before per your convenience, please.  

Sr. NoItem’s DetailsRequired Quantity
1Potable Water Quality Analysis from Certified Laboratory
(ISO 17025, ISO 9001 & ISO 14001)

01) Color
02) Turbidity
03) Total Hardness
04) Total Dissolved Solids
05) pH
06) Arsenic
07) Barium
08) Boron
09) Cadmium
10) Chloride
11) Chromium
12) Copper
13) Cyanide
14) Fluoride
15) Lead
16) Manganese
17) Mercury
18) Nickel
19) Nitrate
20) Nitrite
21) Zinc
22) Selenium
23) Calcium
24) Magnesium
25) Potassium
26) Sodium
27) Sulfate
28) Temperature
29) Total Alkalinity
30) Total Chlorine
31) Conductivity
32) Pathogen
33) Langlier Saturation Index (LSI)
34) Total Iron
35) Free Chlorine
Period of Performance: One Year Starting from PO issued Date. Total Services: 4 Jobs Frequency: Every 3 months.

Mode Of Payment:

The payment will be processed through _ within 30 days of the date that a correct invoice conforming to the provisions of the Purchase Order is received at the Financial Management Office AND satisfactory completion of work/delivery of acceptable items.

Delivery Schedule & Address:

The delivery is required to be made soon after receiving the PO and collecting the Water Sample with coordination of the designated POC. The vendor will deliver the Analysis Report to the concerned department, Islamabad within the agreed time. Please feel free to call in case you may have any questions on this RFQ.

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].

Environmental Testing in Karachi, Pakistan


We are looking for the  following Tests for our factory in Korangi industrial area, Karachi, Pakistan.

Noise Test Report                             on site

Lux Test Report                                  on site

Ambient Air Quality Test Report     on site

Drinking Water Test Report             as per collected sample

Gaseous Emissions Test Report         —-do—-

Waste Water Test Report                   —-do——

Vehicle Emission Report                    —–do——


Please submit your quotation for on site testing and taking samples from tomorrow afternoon.

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].