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Intake Filter Dust Sample Testing in Singapore


I noticed that your company profile on Google states that you have an office in Singapore.

We are looking for vendor support to conduct dust analysis as scope stated below.

Do let us know whether your end able to support om this.

Linde Scope : We will provide dirty side sample and clean side sample with proper labelling.

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].

Debris and Filter Analysis, Aviation Oil Test in Cambodia


We are looking for new suppliers who can assists us with the following lab analysis services:

  • Oil Analysis
  • Debris and Filter Analysis
  • Fuel Analysis
  • Hydraulic Fluid Analysis

It is important to let you know we operate three type of aircrafts and four different type of engines:

  • Airbus 320 – Engines CFM56-5B & LEAP-1A (Both from CFM a GE company)
  • Airbus 332F – Engine Trent 700 (From Rolls Royce)
  • Boeing 788 – Engine Trent 1000 (From Rolls Royce)

We have strong operation in the USA especially in California, Florida, Washington DC and New York. We are looking for a strategic partner who can assist us in the USA near to any of these locations. We usually require support under AOG basis (Aircraft on Ground) so express service is highly appreciated. I have couple questions for you:

  1. Are you able to perform any/all the analysis?
  2. How can we start stablishing commercial business? Are you able to offer credit terms?
  3. What are your location and nearest airport?
  4. Are you able to offer AOG-24/7 service?
  5. Can you please provide your price list?

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].