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OGP report and Oil & Gas Future

The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP) has released the latest edition of its annual Safety Performance Indicators report.

The report, covering 2012 data, shows that the number of fatalities per 100 million hours worked, the Fatal Accident Rate, has fallen in the last ten years.

“Safety in our operations is a top priority for the industry and we strive to improve our record constantly,” says OGP Executive Director Michael Engell-Jensen.

The safety report is OGP’s largest annual reporting project. The latest edition provides an analysis of the safety performance of 49 OGP member companies, representing 3.7 billion work hours and operations in 107 countries.

In 2012, participating OGP member companies reported 88 fatalities which occurred in 52 separate incidents. The Fatal Accident Rate was down by 52% compared with the 2003 rate, showing an overall downward trend over the last ten years. The rate increased however by 27% compared with 2011; a single incident (a gas leak and explosion of a pipeline in which 31 people lost their lives) had a predominant effect on the 2012 rate.

The largest proportion of fatalities (44%) were reported in the ‘Explosions or burns’ category with ‘Caught in, under or between’ being the second largest (18%).

Lost time injury frequency increase

Lost Time Injury Frequency (fatalities and lost work day cases per million work hours) increased by 12% to 0.48 in 2012, representing an additional 307 lost time injuries.

Participating companies reported 53,325 workdays lost through injuries.

The most frequently reported incident category was ‘Struck by,’ which accounted for 408 lost work day cases, 24% of the total. The category ‘Caught in, under or between’ accounted for 21% of the total (352 lost work day cases). Both categories also accounted for the largest proportions of lost work day cases reported in 2011 with very similar values to 2012 (25% and 19% respectively).

Source: OGP-Your-Oil-and-Gas-News