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Oil, Gas and Water Sampling Services in Middle East

The entire Arab is a great potetial for the exploration of oil, gas and water resources. Especially, Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq and Bahrain are always busy in finding new resources of oil and water. Numerous overseas/multi-national companies are conducting these projects hence requiring third parties for small small sub-works to support their assiged projects. For example, many European companies are alloted with the projects related to oil and gas expolration on expansion and extention fields and sites. They have the experts in research and development however it is mostly expensive to bring all teams from overseas to site locations especially if such manpower is arrangable as third-party from the same region. This is the most proficient method multinational companies are adopting. This third party work is motly related to sampling of oil from the wells, or collection of water samples from the water wells, gas sampling from the feed/discharge.

Now, problem is that, how to find professional and adept teams those are certified as well since the companies are already renowned and can’t take the risk of assigning these jobs to less efficient or incapable parties. A bad team not only fails the project but also ruins reputation of the company to get more jobs in the region.

So, Accredited Test Labs – AccreditedTestlabs.com is committed to provide well adept, highly trained, certified and professional team of surveyors/engineers which supports magnificently your projects to accomplish well in time and in a nice manner. Anywhere in the region, the entire Middle East and Far East, we have teams from our branches to perform the kind of jobs since 1999 and since 1964 in the sub-continent. Our technical teams possess valid certificates/Licenses for sampling of oil and water from respective wells and are available round the clock to support your prjects.

So, write us in full confidence to Get a Quote -> [email protected]

If you would like to learn more about our laboratory testing services, please visit our page Lab Testing Services.