Transformer Oil Testing Contract, Kuwait


Please provide your best offer prices for the attached request for the Transformer Oil Analysis,

Please consider the number of samples approximate 20,000 -/ to provide your best price offer.

Tests (For Transformer Oil Analysis)Test Method
AppearanceExamined Visually At Ambient Temperature
Visoos ty Ai 40 °cIS03 104 Or ASTM D445
Visoos ty At —30 °cIS03104 Or ASTM D445
Pour Point 0cIS03016 Or ASTM D97
Demity At 20 °cIS03675 Or ISO12185
Water ContentIEC.60814 Or ASTM D1533
Dielectric Strength (Breakdown Voltage)IEC.60156 Or ASTM D1298
Dielectric Dissipation Factm (DDF) At 90 °cIEC.6024
AcidityIEC.6202 1— l   Or ASTM D974
Aniline Point 0cASTM D66l
Interfacial Tension at 20°cISO,   6295 Or ASTM D971
Total Sulphur ContentBS 2000 Part 373 Or ISO 14596
Corrosive SulpherIEC.62534 And ASTM D I275 B
Inhibitor ContentIEC.60666
Fmrfural ContentIEC61 198
Oxidation StabilityIEC61125C, Telst Duration 164 Hour , If Inhibitor Content Is <0.01% (Note 1) IEC60247
Total Acidity
-Dielectric Dissipation. Factm At 90°c
Flash PointISO2719
Polycyclo Aromatic Content (PCA)BS2000 Part 346
PCB ContentIEC61619

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this testing.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].