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Soap Solution Testing in Al Yasmeen, KSA


We seek a laboratory capable of conducting a test and providing a Lab Test Result for Material and Solution Compatibility. We will utilize a SOAP SOLUTION to clean a SEAT BELT.

We require a laboratory test result confirming that this soap solution is safe and effective for use in the composition of seat belt material.

We will provide a seatbelt sample and the soap chemical.

It is necessary to evaluate their acceptability and compatibility to ensure that this specific soap does not compromise the material composition of the seatbelt.

It is safe and effective for cleaning the seatbelt.

Kindly advise if this covers your scope of work so we can send you the samples.

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].