Site Inspection of Chilled Water Network in Dubai, UAE


Kindly find the below attached details. Arrange Site inspection and share Quotation at the earliest.

Supply of Chilled Water Chemicals

1. Corro Guard 33L01 – 32 Kg/drum – 66 Nos

2. Bio Guard 40H06 – 25 Kg/drum –  14 Nos

Chilled Water Chemical Analysis

3. Chilled water report for pH, Conductivity, Total Iron, Total Suspended

Solids, Nitrite as NO2 & NaNO2, TBC & color carried out by EIAC

accredited laboratory.

No. of samples: 1 Sample / Circuit – 14 Nos

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].