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Soil and Water Testing in Singapore


I hope this end of year season finds you well.  I am reaching out on behalf of the Ocean Cleaning Project, a social enterprise dedicated to ocean conservation, sustainable aquaculture, and bioremediation to officially request for Soil and Water Testing Services from you or any Contacts/Mentorship Support you might be able to offer for Project Tanah Air.

We are currently conducting an ambitious initiative, Project, which focuses on developing nature-based solutions such as Pasir Ris native species of seaweed and mussels to combat coastal pollution while simultaneously enhancing soil and water health. A crucial aspect of our work involves rigorous soil and seawater quality testing, and we are exploring partnerships with labs that can provide:

Soil Testing Services (please provide full costings)

  1. Comprehensive agricultural soil analysis, including nutrient screening (macro, micro, secondary nutrients) and physical properties testing (pH levels, organic carbon, etc.).
  2. Screening for pathogens, nematodes, and crop-specific risks.
  3. Expertise in sustainable nutrient management and yield optimization.

Seawater Testing Services (please provide full costings)

  1. General Parameters: Nitrogen, phosphorus, ammonia, methane, CO₂, O₂, biochemical and chemical oxygen demand, conductivity, turbidity, hardness, trace elements (e.g., arsenic, lead, cadmium), and microbial counts (e.g., E. coli, coliform, Vibrio cholera).
  2. Specialized Testing: IMO D2 Analysis (zooplankton, phytoplankton, and Vibrio cholera) and VGP Biological & Chemical Analysis (residual oxidizers, chlorine byproducts, etc.).

In addition to testing, we are seeking guidance on data interpretation and experimental report drafting. Mentorship support from your team would be invaluable in ensuring the accuracy and robustness of our findings.

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].

Soil Testing in Yemen


I have approximately 21000m2 of farmland which is need adequate soils testing to obtain whether it is feasible to grow African oil palm.

Can you please advise how many samples would be required and how much a complete test would cost. I would like a report which would also include other species of crop (fruit) that would be ideal.

I would also like to be advised what additional treatments I would have to do for certain crop to successfully generate high yield.

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].

Soil and Water Testing in Tabuk Agri, KSA


Please give your best competitive price for below- .


iring of 3rd party laboratory to do the

  • Conduct soil analysis and
    thorough testing and analysis
    of the underground water
    sources within the Farm
  • Assess the water’s quality,
    quantity, and suitability for
  • Collect relevant data and
    generate comprehensive
    reports on the underground
    water conditions
  • Water wells assessment and
  • Evaluate the existing water
    wells within the Al Bada Farm.
  • Assess the condition and
    performance of the wells,
    including pump systems and
  • Identify necessary repairs,
    upgrades, or renovations to
    ensure optimal functionality
    and efficiency
  • Establishment of water
    infrastructure, including wells

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].

Air, Noise, Soil, and Water Testing with Drilling in Qiddiya, KSA


We have an project coming up in Qiddiya. I would like to know if you can carry out noise, air, soil and groundwater collection and analysis including borehole drilling.

If so, is it possible to share your company prequalification. Also, if you could provide me with per sample indicative cost, so that we can take this forward?

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].

Water and Soil Testing in Saudi Arabia


We need to get the water and soil tested at our farm in the above location . For the water the report has to depict the water quality e.g. TDS , PH etc. 

Similarly the soil test report should indicate the soil quality for the agriculture activities. 

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].

Sediment Sampler Required in Oman


We are looking for Sediment sampler to collect soil samples from the pond’s bottom. Please let me know if you can supply a sediment sampler in Oman? How much does it cost? What is the delivery time? If you can share photos or specification of the device?

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].

Environment, Atmospheric Gases Testing in Sudan


We are working in oil and gas field supply and services.

We are kindly requesting for Environmental lab testing (wastewater, soils, and atmospheric gases) business opportunity with you for one of our clients in Sudan.

 Please find the SCOPE OF WORK in attachment and revert to us if you are interested and willing to provide your services and prices regarding this TENDER. 

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].

Plant Tissue, Water, and Soil Testing in KSA


We have an ongoing project at KSA and we are looking for your best and competitive offer for the water & soil analysis report that includes the attached parameters.

  • Soil test report
  • Water test report
  • Plant tissue test report

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you required further clarification/assistance for the same.

Your immediate response in this regard is highly appreciated.


  Parameters  Unit  Test method
Electrical Conductivity (EC)mS/cm 
Total Dissolve Salts (TDS)mg/L 
Total Nitrogen% 
Nitrate Nitrogen; NO3-Nppm 
Phosphorous (P)ppm 
Potassium (K)ppm 
Calcium (Ca) + Magnesium (Mg)ppm 
Sulphur (S)ppm 
Chloride (Cl-1)ppm 
Iron (Fe)ppm 
Zinc (Zn)ppm 
Copper (Cu)ppm 
Manganese (Mn)ppm 
Boron (B)ppm 
Organic Matter% 
SAR (Sodium Adsorption Ratio) 
CO3– –ppm 
HCO3– –ppm 
Soil Texture (Sand, Silt, Clay)% 
Soil Structure 
Soil profile analysis  
Soil properties and soil types  


  Parameters  Unit  Test method
Electrical Conductivity (EC)mS/cm 
Total Dissolve Salts (TDS)mg/L 
Nitrate Nitrogen; NO3-Nppm 
Potassium (K)ppm 
Calcium (Ca) + Magnesium (Mg)ppm 
Total Hardness  
Chloride (Cl-1)ppm 
CO3– –ppm 
HCO3– –ppm 



  Parameters  Unit  Test method
Total Nitrogen% 
Phosphorous (P)ppm 
Potassium (K)ppm 
Calcium (Ca) +  Magnesium (Mg)ppm 
Sulphur (S)ppm 
Chloride (Cl-1)ppm 
Iron (Fe)ppm 
Zinc (Zn)ppm 
Copper (Cu)ppm 
Manganese (Mn)ppm 
Boron (B)ppm 

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this testing.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].

Environmental Testing in Malta, Europe


We often have jobs requiring monitoring of land, waste, groundwater and air, where we take the samples and send them to an ISO 17025-certified lab for analysis.  A list of a typical analytical suit is detailed on the below tables:

Bulk testing:

AnalyteAnalytical methodologyReference standardLimit of detectionTest-specific accreditation
Total petroleum hydrocarbons: C10-C40GC-FIDIn-house method0.1 – 10 mg/kgYes (soil)
Total Organic CarbonTitrationIn-house method based on BS 1377<0.1%Yes (Soil)
BTEXGC-MS (Headspace)In-house method based on EPA Method 8260, Revision B<1 μg/kgYes (Soil)
PAHsGC-MSIn-house method based on EPA Method 8270, Revision C0.01 ug/kgYes (Soil)
PCBsGC-MSIn-house method based on EPA Method 8082;
EPA Method 1668
7 μg/kgYes (Soil)
MetalsICP-OESIn-house method based on BS 1377All <1 mg/kg    Yes (Soil)
TBTGC-MSIn-house method0.01 mg/kgNo
AsbestosPolarised light microscopyHSG248Presence / absence; if asbestos is detected the quantification test has a LoD of 0.001%Yes

Waste characterisation testing

AnalyteAnalytical methodologyReference standardLimit of detectionTest-specific accreditation
Acid neutralising capacity
(pH 4, pH 7)
TitrationEA NEN 7371:2004(+/-) mol/kgNo
Loss on ignitionGravimetryIn-house method based on BS 1377:19900.01%No
pHProbeBS 1377No

Leachability testing

AnalyteAnalytical methodologyReference standardLimit of detectionTest-specific accreditation
As (dissolved)ICP-OES (Filtered)In-house method based on BS 1377<1.0 µg/kgYes
Ba (dissolved)<0.05 µg/kg
Cd (dissolved)<0.1 µg/kg
Cr (dissolved)<0.4 µg/kg
Cu (dissolved)<0.3 µg/kg
Hg (dissolved)<0.5 µg/kg
Mo (dissolved)<0.4 µg/kg
Ni (dissolved)<0.3 µg/kg
Pb (dissolved)<1 µg/kg
Sb (dissolved)<1.7 µg/kg
Se (dissolved)<4 µg/kg
Zn (dissolved)<0.4 µg/kg
Total dissolved solidsGravimetryIn house method based on PN-EN 27888:19994 mg/LYes
Phenols (total-mono)ColorimetryIn house method10 µg/LYes
Dissolved organic carbonTOC Analysern/a0.1 mg/LNo
ChlorideDiscrete analyserIn house method0.15 mg/LYes
FluorideDiscrete analyserIn house method0.05 mg/LYes
SulphateDiscrete analyserIn-house method0.03 mg/LYes

Could you kindly let us know if you are able to provide some or all of the attached analytical services, and send us a copy of your ISO 17025 / test-specific certification if so?

One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.

Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].