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Difference among ASTM D6228 , ASTM D5623 , ASTM D1266 in LPG Testing


This test method covers the determination of individual volatile sulfur-containing compounds in gaseous fuels by gas chromatography (GC) with flame photometric detection (FPD). The detection range for sulfur compounds is from 20 to 20 000 picograms (pg) of sulfur. This is equivalent to 0.02 to 20 mg/m3 or 0.014 to 14 ppmv of sulfur based upon the analysis of a 1-mL sample.
This test method does not intend to identify all individual sulfur species. Total sulfur content of samples can be estimated from the total of the individual compounds determined. Unknown compounds are calculated as monosulfur containing compounds.

ASTM D 5623

This test method covers the determination of volatile sulfur-containing compounds in light petroleum liquids. This test method is applicable to distillates, gasoline motor fuels (including those containing oxygenates) and other petroleum liquids with a final boiling point of approximately 230°C (450°F) or lower at atmospheric pressure. The applicable concentration range will vary to some extent depending on the nature of the sample and the instrumentation used; however, in most cases, the test method is applicable to the determination of individual sulfur species at levels of 0.1 to 100 mg/kg.

ASTM D 1266 (Lamp Method)

This test method covers the determination of total sulfur in liquid petroleum products in concentrations from 0.01 to 0.4 mass % . A special sulfate analysis procedure that permits the determination of sulfur in concentrations as low as 5 mg/kg.