We are looking for water analysis parameters and align them with the project requirements.
Below are the parameters for on-site and onshore lab analysis. Kindly review and submit your official quotation at the earliest to proceed further. Additionally, please confirm that personnel hold valid ADNOC offshore Optima cards and Das Island CICPA passes.
Parameters for Analysis During Flooding Operation (On-Site):
- Particle Size: <50 μm
- Dissolved Oxygen: <10 ppb
- Planktonic SRB Count: <100 per mL (or) Nil SRB Counts
- Note: For this parameter, we anticipate sending water samples to the onshore lab for analysis. Kindly confirm the lead time for issuing the report.
Parameters for Analysis for Water Disposal to Sea: Please confirm whether these analyses can be performed on-site or if samples need to be sent to an onshore lab. Also, let us know the estimated time required to issue the report.
One of our highly proficient and ISO certified laboratory would be taking over this job.
Should you have any similar requisites, do drop us email and we shall revert instantly -> [email protected].